On Friday, Feb. 15, the KUAFF Delegates to the CNJSCL voted unanimously to endorse State Senator Barbara Buono for this coming Fall 2013 Gubernatorial Election.
Each local has been asked by the Buono campaign to help gather signatures for placing her on the ballot. They need 1000 signatures (which they already have), but, would like to gather at least 10,000. We have already made a big impression on the campaign with our early endorsement. So, we can build on the good will we have generated by helping with the petition campaign.
If you would like to participate as a "volunteer" please notify the union at aftlocal6024@gmail.com
Should you choose to participate there are some instructions that need to be followed:
- You may not use the campus email system to promote this campaign, promote any political candidates, or give people any political information.
- You may not advertise this campaign in public spaces on Campus.
-You may prmote this petition at membership meetings, on off-campus personal email accounts, or in the KUAFF Union Office.
-The first person to sign each form is the person designated as the "circulater" of the petition. The Circulater and all signatories MUST BE REGISTERED NJ DEMOCRATS. It bears repeating that only registered democrats can sign the Petition.
- Do not fill out pages 2, 14 or 15 of the petition. They will be filled out by the campaign staff.
- After all signatures have been collected the form must be notarized, so bring your form to the KUAFF Union Office in Willis 102 and we will can get it notarized on the spot.
- All petitions need to be returned to the KUAFF Union Office by March 19th, to permit delivery to the State Council Office, after which they will hand deliver them to the Buono Campaign.
For those KUAFF Adjuncts endorsing other Gubernatorial Candidates, we have asked each declared Gubernatorial Campaign to send us contact persons and information and we will post the information on our Website, however, to date we have not had any replies back to our invitations.
Those KUAFF Adjuncts who contribute to the AFT COPE Fund will be asked to vote on how much to disperse to various political candiates and campaigns.
For those new to COPE. COPE is an acronym for the "Committee on Political Education. It is our union's voluntary bi-partisan Political Action Committee used for political and legislative activities. We hold politicians accountable at every level of government, and help our union build the political power to win better contracts, better benefits and pass laws to protect our lives.
All contributions comes from voluntary COPE contributions by members. Many of us contribute .50 cents, one dollar, or more, per pay period. Half of all the money we collect we are given back and the rest is sent to the CNJSCL and AFT National for their political action use. If you would like to be among the elite Union members contributing to COPE,contact the Union Office to have a COPE Sign up Card mailed to you, or stop by and pick one up.